MembersWhy join?
Become a member

Across Africa

Become a member

PAFA has several membership categories. All member organisations are expected to support the objectives of PAFA; pay subscriptions; abide by the provisions of the PAFA constitution and by-laws; and fulfil the membership obligations approved by the PAFA board.

Across Africa

Our members, associates and affiliates

Our members are national accountancy organisations established in Africa that are acknowledged as national accountancy organisations in good standing in their respective jurisdictions; have appropriate governance structures and are financially and operationally viable; and have operating structures that provide for the support and regulation of their members.

Our associates are national accountancy organisations established in Africa that do not yet meet the membership criteria. They are generally expected to advance to the member category over a period of time.

Our affiliates are internationally recognised accountancy organisations that are not based in Africa.

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Across Africa

Our membership obligations

Our membership obligations include supporting the adoption and implementation of international standards and systems of quality review, investigation and discipline.

A PAO aspiring to become a PAFA member organisation should start the process by writing to PAFA at to arrange a meeting to discuss the details of and process for applying for PAFA membership.

Apply to become a PAFA member organisation: